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On this page you will find useful phone numbers and links in case of medical emergencies.

Emergency Phone Numbers

Useful Numbers

Adress and Phone Number of the Brussels Hospitals 

Address and phone number for medical imagery (MRI, X-ray, ultrasound)

In Brussels

24-hour pharmacies :

Twelve of the twenty-four duty chemists in Brussels stay open after 23:00. They are located throughout the city so as to ensure that there is one within five kilometres of every address. To find the duty chemists open between 23:00-09:00:


  • Consult the Pharmacie/Apotheek website (in French & Dutch), then type in a postcode to find a local pharmacy on duty

  • Tel: 07 066 01 60 / 09 001 05 00

Address and phone number for medical imagery (MRI, X-ray, ultrasound)

Outside of Brussels

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